Betty Olson
Professor Emeritus, Environmental Health, Science, and Policy
School of Social Ecology
Professor, Community & Environmental Medicine
School of Medicine
Phone: (949) 824-7174 Ext. 5281
Email: bholson@uci.edu
Dr. Olson is a full professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering, in Henry Samueli School of Engineering. Dr. Olson was the founding Director of the Urban Water Research Center at UCI and currently is an Associate Director for the Center. Her areas of specialization are environmental microbiology, water and wastewater microbiology. Dr. Olson is a consultant to Advanced Technology Group of Kennedy/Jenks Consultants (1995 to present) and in this capacity she provides expertise on microbial water quality issues to utilities. Additionally, she is a consultant to the USFDA Pacific Regional Laboratory Southwest (2002- present) and she provides them advice on rapid molecular methods.