Andrew Ayres is a Research Fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California.
Water UCI Colloquium Series: Trading Water in California: Past, Present, and Future(s)
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Andrew Ayres is a Research Fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California. His main areas of research include environmental and natural resource economics, institutional economics, applied econometrics, and water economics and policy.
Dr. Ayres provided an overview of water markets in theory and practice, with application to California. Markets for water throughout the state have supported reallocation for drought resilience, environmental benefit, and adaptation to new market and regulatory conditions. In coming decades their effectiveness will be tested when it comes to easing implementation of California’s new groundwater law and fostering adaptation to a changing climate. The talk will conclude with an introduction to emerging financial tools such as the Nasdaq Veles California Water Index and the water futures trading market based on that index.
His recent work has focused on California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. Previously, he worked in Germany and the United States on projects to inform policy-making related to climate change, energy, river restoration, and water pricing. Andrew holds a Ph.D. from a joint program between the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management as well as the Department of Economics at UC, Santa Barbara.
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